Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Play Capsulizes Age of Misinformation and Greed

Mark Turner wrote a play in 1990 which still addresses today's issues 20 years later.

In “The Lost Kids Spy Christmas” the old crook, Ananiah, has a nice gig going with a gang of kids to shoplift and some sly stooges to cash the merchandise. He is growing “the baby”, as they say, an ironic reference to his dearest thing in the advent season, his horde of cash, not the Christ Child. His conspiracy to obscure Christmas from the street kids is not that far off from today's realities.

He is staunch in defending his nest egg even when the pressure of police and double-crossing crooks bring him to the brink. It is his gang of street kids who get to his heart when they beg him to help save a real baby entrusted to them. When he joins the children in the rescue he recalls the choices he made as a kid.

Even though it is not “fair” and you could say it is too sappy to be “real”, he repents. He lets himself give away his fake baby of greed, admit who the real baby of Christmas is and escapes his just deserts. It's--not--fair!

These days the pressure is mounting and we tend to get that hording attitude which guards the little wealth we manage to keep. We think of revenge on the crooks that are getting away with millions. But here is a story about grace that extends even to the worst of us.

And that's why we are talking about Christmas in July. It is time to prepare to extend grace to an undeserving world in elaborate displays of love by producing this play in your communities. We have the script, music and sound effects along with our personal consultation ready to help you provide this act of love in your home town.

Call 760-765-3884, or e-mail markanddonna@horizongate.org to get started.

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