Saturday, February 4, 2012

Film: "A Prayer for Beauty" Gives First Preview

Donna Turner presents our newest film to the St. Paul's Cathedral Women Together.
     The third film in our Film Gallery collection was previewed for the first time February 2nd at the Women Together program of St. Paul's Cathedral, San Diego.
     Entitled "A Prayer for Beauty", Mark began production in 2005 based on his poem"Beautify Oh". He had produced a limited edition book of digital illustrations which he began animating with motion graphics. 
     This was the first attempt in the genre which combines visual arts, motion graphics, spoken word, music and sound effects. It is the only film, so far, in which he weaves the text of the poem into the visuals. 

Mark Turner modeled his film score after masters such as Maurice Ravel and Bela Bartok.

A Rich and Complex Sound Track
     The sound track also became the most complex of all three films. Mark scored the music based on models of masters Maurice Ravel, Bela Bartok, Samuel Barber and Gustav Holst. Donna joined her voice with his in both choral singing and verse choir. Even a nightingale, a flycatcher and a blue jay sang along with the wind and waterfall. 
Project Resurrected
     In 2005 other projects forced this to the back burner until last September Donna was invited to present our ministry to the Women Together and we needed a third film sooner than one started from scratch.  Production recommenced full time for five months leading up to the first DVD burn the day before the event.
Well Received 
     Audience reception was very enthusiastic as Donna led a full demonstration of the Film Gallery Cafe including the films, tangible art used to make them and table conversations after each film. Participants commented that they could have spent the whole evening discussing just the one new film. One person said full discussion would require a book to be written. The room was buzzing with intense conversations after each film. 
Composition 12 from the film "A Prayer for Beauty"

Next Stage in Development 
     Work is commencing immediately on the DVD of the film complete with menus of the poem text, stills of the artwork, and conversation cards. The next preview of the new film will be at our Artist Support Group meeting, February 19th. Artists and arts supporters are invited to join us.

Six Ways to Be Co-creators

1. Contribute to the Arts - Click "Donate" PayPal button in the right column of this blog to safely send a secure donation supporting our on-going ministry through the arts. (No PayPal account necessary) Pledges of monthly support are greatly needed to overcome the current deficit in our daily operations. Please e-mail to inform us of your pledge.
Donna & Mark perform Live Words! 2007 2. Host an Event - Bring people together to enjoy our dramatic reading of a thoughtful short story, or our short art films. Call Donna 760-445-9470, or e-mail
3. Refer Artists and Filmmakers to Us - We want to handshakeencourage the beauty to multiply through collaboration and sharing of experience.  

4. Recommend our Free Newsletter to Other Arts Supporters -
  Find the box in the right column to subscribe to our newsletter and forward your copy to others.
5. Purchase and Give Our Art -DVD for 2 films by Mark Turner
Find our DVD's on the "products" page of our website
Find Mark's eBooks at
6. Change brands to the Turners' personal Shaklee  Products
Shaklee business - 
Clean water, green cleaners that save money too, food supplements, skin care and weight management products from the nation's number one all natural company. Also a potential income source for you.

Richard Turner meets with old comrades

Old Lamb's Players meet with Richard Turner and the screenwriter of the biopic about him.  Note Richard practicing his one-handed cut as is his habit during every conversation.  Back Row, l to r: Robert Smyth, Mark Turner, Chris Turner; Front Row, l to r: Kerry Meads, Cary Prescott, Nancy Prescott, Richard, Donna Turner, screenwriter Sandy Marshall.  More under "Turner Personal News" in left column.
     We had a fun stroll down memory lane with some old Lamb's Players in January. Richard Turner's remarkable biography is coming out in print and the screen-play is now in the works.
     Richard brought screenwriter Alexander Sandy Marshall out from New York to meet his old LP family and hear our stories of those days when Richard was a scrawny ex-drug dealer transforming into a world class phenomenon.
     As the world's top card mechanic he was recently featured cheating Brad Pitt at Black Jack in the movie"Tree of Life" and performs around the world.
     He says, "There must be a God, 'cause people pay me to play with 52 pieces of cardboard."
     Google "Richard Turner the cheat" for some fun videos of his unbelievable skills.