Tuesday, July 28, 2009

News from the Turners

We have been meeting lots of new people and expanding our concepts of ministry.

Through attending seminars, voracious reading and personal coaching our financial education has been accelerated to meet the economic crisis effecting Horizon Gate and our constituency. The shape of the economy has forced us out of industrial age thinking and fully into the information age. In this age it is what you know that is most valuable, not social, or professional position and not material possessions.

We can see the creativity of business and its capacity to carry ministry to the masses. We are learning more skills in using the tools of the Internet, telephone and video to reach higher numbers of people. The size of our vision is larger because we can see a viable business structure and multiple streams of potential income to make it possible.

As Jesus was focused on his mission and built the community which would carry it out, we are reaching out to new groups of people more aggressively and with renewed conviction. New relationships with artists have resulted from exhibiting at concerts and conventions, as well as increasing conversations about individual financial challenges. Our vision is to develop the community of artists and arts supporters to be the ministering body of Horizon Gate.

New ideas are forming which will both increase material support for artists and get their work out ministering to the masses. We are in the process of creating a series of short audio programs based on the “Realize Your Vision!” webinar. These will be broadcast on blogtalkradio.com. Keep an eye out for a unique business providing greeting cards you can print and do your own handwork on. We are writing more articles for Internet news. Video e-mails are now a part of our tool kit.

Developing people as members of Christ's Community is the focus of both the internal management and the public outreach of Horizon Gate products and services.

Walking by faith is essential to expansion. Faith opens our eyes to opportunities and needs when we may be more inclined to shut down operations, “economize” and guard the little we have. But the gut reaction to close down is not actually “self-protection” as much as resigning ourselves to death. In business a decline in revenue signals a need to increase communications and enter the places where others are not meeting the need. Certainly this is the call of Christ to us now and God is regenerating our imaginations to see the opportunities to generate life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mark & Donna-- Thanx for putting it to words so wonderfully what has been kind of like free floating anxiety because we just couldnot zero in on the need, let alone the solution (or rather like feeling a nagging itch and not stopping to give attention to it, until anoid & bothered for seemingly no rational reason).
Thru your article about "the shape of the economy has forced us out of the industrial age thinking & fully into the information age" touched an itchy spot we just could not reach. (The result of no in formation on this issue was old habbit pattern of "shutting down" thinking we were protecting self.) This leads only to more ignorance, but also takes a lot of energy away from productiveness. I am most grateful to you for this, & looking foreward to Webinar! Also, I am thankful to you for being so available as coach in our meager attempts to get financially clear & purposeful!
Love you, Marilyn