Friday, October 29, 2010

Two Earmarks of God's Work

Everywhere we look there are forces and circumstances that break apart and scatter people.

Two Earmarks

We have recently been reminded by Christ's life that faith is characterized by "gathering" and "generosity" (Luke 11).

These are earmarks of God's actions among us. When we see these happening, we know where to put our support and what to cooperate with.

Want to see what God is
doing in the world?

Look for deeds that are healing divisions between people and gathering us together. Avoid people, organizations, and media that are divisive in language, visuals, attitudes and actions. Embrace what is conciliatory and usually you will find openness and generosity in there with it.

Generosity seems easier to spot, but it comes in many forms from handing a street person some change, to listening to someone's problems. We thank God for a generous plumber who recently broke away from his schedule to come over and help in an emergency.

In Tough Times

When times are tough it is harder to be generous with schedule and resources. But, without generosity toward one another, how will we survive the tough times? Yes, God will save us. God's way is to engage the flesh and blood walking on earth. We come into tough times often because we do not live as God's gathering, generous people. Donate on
That's learning the hard way. We know we're tired of it. How about you?

Still learning and growing,

Mark and Donna Turner
Mark and Donna Turner
November, 2010

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