Saturday, August 28, 2010

Business and Mission Go Together

When the Mission Machine didn't feed all the bill collectors . . .

. . . Earl knew he had to push some of those other buttons.

Our mission is about people receiving inspiration from films and art so that they awaken to the significance of their lives on earth, rise in faith, encounter Christ and go on to live Godly lives. What mission could be more important than that?
But, part of the work is navigating through a world full of obstacles which try to deny us the time and resources to accomplish the mission. When we take on outside jobs, such as the one Mark and Donna have taken at Taylor Research, we do so with the prayer that it will fit in and contribute to our vision, rather than compete with it.
Effective, meaningful art requires sustained periods of thought, prayer, searching for inspiration, and experimentation followed by long hours of highly skilled labor. So, taking an outside job does interrupt the flow of art.
We understand that it has gotten harder to donate, but that you still want to give. Other streams of income can be employed to sustain the ministries you believe in. By building a new stream of income in the Turners' Shaklee business you can support us both through business and renewed donations. Click here to go to their business web site: .

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