Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is the Value?

Donna & Mark Turner
Donna and I are asking "What is the value?" more often.
Everyone is concentrating a little harder these days to be sure we get the most value for each of the fewer dollars in our keeping. We also ask "What is the value of my work? Will it pay the bills?"
The inspiring vision which once motivated a person's life mission has the tendency to fade in the urgency of paying some bill. It's not that the vision and mission isn't still valid, but we just have to postpone it, to put it off until there is time, or until "we can afford it."
In "good times" it is easier to affirm the value of beauty, generosity, art, spirituality, faith. However, it is when things get tight that we must affirm the value of those intangibles. In hard times we need the inspiration of art, poetry, beauty and spiritual direction to carry on in faith that God will make a way where there is no way.
If ever there is a time to help sustain the "intangible" ministry of Horizon Gate, it is now when so many need the courage, hope and faith promoted by our art and films. Just the act of giving a little to these ministries is an act in defiance of the slave masters which would steal your vision away
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We pray that our faithfulness to the heavenly vision will inspire courage in your soul to hold on to your mission in life.


Mark and Donna Turner
Mark and Donna Turner
August, 2010

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