Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Power To Be Christ Extended

Donna & Mark  Turner

We just celebrated Pentecost Sunday, the empowerment of Jesus' followers to go into all the world as Christ extended. You can not think of Christ without observing the engagement of the spiritual with the material. Jesus said it was necessary for him to ascend to the Father so that the Holy Spirit would come.
"But, why not just stay? We don't need the Holy Spirit; we have you, Jesus."
What he MEANT was: the Holy Spirit was to come so we would be him in multiplied numbers, rather than just one to whom everyone clung without the slightest thought that they would ever speak, act or be like him.
Christ treated material things as servants and vehicles of the spiritual. The Holy Spirit came to empower us to do the same, to open eyes, heal the sick, multiply the bread and fish, turn water into wine, release the prisoners, calm storms and, when appropriate, walk on water.
What were we thinking? Of course, you are right, Oh Lord. Yes, come Holy Spirit. We have hung back fearfully from the needs of the world, from the blindness, the lame, the sick, the prisoners, the hungry, the storms and from those who need us to walk on water. Come, Holy Spirit, transform us into Christ extending into the world with creation power.

Mark and Donna  Turner
Mark and Donna Turner
June, 2010

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