The quandry: "...but, if I give it to HIM, what about ME?" We value what meets our needs, hopes and dreams. In this is a key to building relationships and wholesome communities. People are drawn to those who discern and deliver what they need. We would tend to draw toward each other more if we all discerned and delivered what each other needed. Thanking one another might become more common. As needs were met, more of us would be able to turn to higher things than just getting our needs met.
More often most of us focus on what WE need and strive to get it for ourselves. If you devote all your time and energy to discerning and delivering what OTHERS want, you never have time to get your OWN . . . right? But, don't we prefer to patronize businesses which are oriented around the customer? Customer oriented businesses prosper better than self-centered companies. Movies that appeal to the audience are the most popular. It better serves ourselves to serve others. Not only do we get more customers, but it feels better all around.
Jesus said it: "Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return." (Luke 6:38)
An artist would apply this principal by delivering the beauty, insight, inspiration that the audience is seeking, rather than indulging only in "self expression". Self expression can be fulfilled by giving what is needed. The writer consciously chooses to write the screenplay thinking of the audience, trusting that he/she will receive their own needs if they deliver the audience's needs. This will help create a work of long lasting value.
But none of us can deliver anything without ultimately receiving it from God Who knows all our needs and delivers. Can we trust God to provide what the others need us to deliver? This should be the artist's prayer.