Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ways You Can Get Out and Mix

Never before in history has there been a time when so many ways were offered to get around. Even from your kitchen, or an obscure Starbucks table you can send the light of Christ around the globe. Here are a few ways we do it. Following each item are actions you can take to participate.
1. E-mail: Even this is getting a little archaic! But, friends, associates and family can be blessed by the words, pictures, audio and video which can be sent for far less than the price of a postage stamp. Go to our homepage , scroll to the bottom and sign up to receive your free copies of our e-newsletter. When you get your copy each month use the links provided to forward it to others with encouragement to subscribe too. Consider more creative uses of your own e-mails.
2. Social Networking: Facebook, MySpace, Plaxo, Linked-in, and many other sites facilitate building existing and new relationships. You can even create such a site yourself designed for a specific type of interest group to gather in. Whether for fellowship, voluntary activities, marketing, or professional networking, these sites help connect people who in the past would never have found each other. Through our presence on Facebook alone Horizon Gate is regularly addressing potentially over fifty-thousand people. When you sign up for Facebook you immediately gain the capacity to bless and influence many more people. Become a "fan" on Horizon Gate's Facebook page by clicking here - . Start your own Facebook page and build your own network.
3. Blogs: Here you can present your thoughts and inspirations in countless genres from recipes to Bible studies, in pictures, video, audio and text. You can be all verbal, all pictorial, or both. You can promote, or comment on others' presentations elsewhere on the web. What you post on a blog remains available to the whole world 24/7 until you decide to remove it. In ten years, whether you are on earth, or gone to heaven, someone could be blessed and drawn to God by what you post. And these are but a few possibilities to shine your light world wide, for free through blogging. Make comments on Horizon Gate's blogs - HorizonGate - SayLetThereBe
Visit other blogs and write comments mentioning Horizon Gate providing a link to our blog and web site. This motivates others to visit ours.

4. Online Businesses: You could have a web site where people with special needs can find solutions produced, or represented by you., and are examples to explore. Through business you could shine the light into people's lives, whether or not they are in your immediate village. We have had accounts on Ebay and CraigsList. The Turners are planning a shop on besides their business through . Become a participant in , a free service through which over 700 well-known businesses donate to Horizon Gate a percentage of the cost of your online purchases. Click here to join free of charge:

Browse and send others to the Turners' business site, where their ministry is extended through business that helps support their presence in Horizon Gate.

5. All of the Above: Combine these and other avenues to reinforce one another. For example our audio programs on are posted on the "Say Let There Be" blog and are also available as text articles which give links to businesses and the Horizon Gate ministries. These find new people and build relationships which increase our light shining in wider and wider circles. Visit, listen to our programs and leave comments on our page at .
For a much fuller experience where you can read along and see illustrations listen and leave comments on our "Say Let There Be" blog.

Someone in your friends and associates and in each of their circles needs some blessing that contact with Horizon Gate could bring. Help them connect with us through the ways listed here. The light of Christ will reach through you as far as you allow it to shine.

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