Monday, March 2, 2009

Past Ideas Meet In Unified Vision

We, Mark and Donna Turner, have been working in the arts as a ministry for over 38 years. A wealth of experience and education practicing theater, filmmaking and ministry in many places around the globe has given us much to impart, much to offer collaborations. At a time when many people would be planning retirement, we are discovering a pattern in our past accomplishments which forms a vision for the next phase of our life's work. Describing it here is a first step in materializing that vision.

The ideas of our vision include two main areas of work: 1.) film production that builds community and nurtures the artists involved, and 2.) exhibiting our films in a place combining aspects of a gallery, a café and a theater.

The Production Gathering

Our goal is to help people rise toward the full potential with which God endowed them. Our vision is to produce films with a community of people who are committed to more than the end product, who go beyond a given film and assist each other in their spiritual, professional and artistic growth. The community atmosphere we envision will include professionals and promising learners striving for excellence to make films which express the Community of God in a variety of forms.

A New Kind of Exhibition Space

This community will produce films that explore forms and lengths not usually seen in normal movie theaters. They will use artistic forms inviting the viewers to observe and discuss, to engage with one another and with God. But, what kind of space would accommodate this? A space conducive to audience interaction would be more like a café. The atmosphere of an art gallery would change the film from a spectacle to a conversation piece. Yet, some of the functions of the movie theater would be retained. We envision a combination of all these aspects in a new kind of film and discussion space, a “film gallery café”.

Art work created for the given films will also be presented in the space. The sales of art and DVD's will help support the artists and carry the mission into the viewers' lives. Events in the space will feature live musicians, poets, readings, lectures by the artists and filmmakers, and other appropriate presentations designed to stimulate conversations that draw people to God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, electrically, that new energy is coming in waves from our loving Heavenly Father, thru Jesus Christ! We have all been seeing discouragment of people's faces, hearing how hard it is to look up & lift up. I know you will help us in this. Please read my article on Passing Through the Tunnel of Fire, as I am convinced God wants us all to hear His call & follow Him in this. In abreviated form, it is saying, "For the ones who dare to come out of the old comfort zone (which lead us to fear, anxiety, doubt, enprissonment & weariness), & joyfully pass thru the fire of the Holy Spirit, so we will be equipped to hear & see what He is doing, join in & be unified as the Body of Christ & the Church. We will experience as a result continual worship! Yeow!
--Marilyn Jensen