Thursday, January 22, 2009

Believing Is Seeing

Artists inspire hope. Artists call us to act on that hope. That action is what we call “believing”, letting the hope affect our behavior. Artists lead us in making concrete that for which we hope.

So, we proclaim these affirmations as steps in becoming artists who inspire, call, and lead in faith. We have a hope of the Greater Reality which God intends for us and we want that hope to affect our work, play, health, finances and relationships with others.

Christ's earthly behavior was based on the Greater Reality which God has for us. The signs he gave showing God's Greater Reality were healings, life-giving words, world changing deeds, and release of people from bondage. By dying and rising back to life, he demonstrated that the Greater Reality promises even eternal life. As if in darkness, most could not see the Greater Reality in which he lived. But at least they could see the signs.

In some, he sparked the hope that there might be more to life. To those with hope he called to act upon the hope. Those who trusted his call and acted upon that hope he transformed to be able to see the Greater Reality, to live, die and live again as he does.

Christ commissioned the transformed ones to go throughout the world sparking the hope in others, calling to act upon the hope and conducting life based on the Greater Reality of God. Ages later we at Horizon Gate have chosen vehicles to spark, call and demonstrate the life of the Greater Reality: the arts, media, literature, business. As people trust Christ who reaches through us to them, God transforms them to live in the Greater Reality.

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