Art is the capsulizing of multileveled Truth like seeds we hope will open in good soil, grow and bear more seeds.
In Matthew 13 Jesus talks about seeds: good and bad; of soils: prepared and unprepared. Why does he speak in parables covering up "the facts" with metaphor? Because so many close their eyes and hearts to guard against intrusion, fearing that God (or someone) might enter and do damage rather than heal.
The artist can not open unwilling eyes and hearts. Even God will not force revelation onto a person. So, we make seeds to be buried and await the conditions when the soil of the heart is conducive to the epiphany compressed within the seed.
To those whose hearts turn toward God are given the treasures locked inthe mysteries, parables, art and the myriad of other vehicles carrying the revelation of God. When we risk turning to God our eyes are opened, ears unstopped, seeds sprout to multiply further revelation of God in our lives.
In Psalm 40 the psalmist pictures himself in an impossible pit with walls of miry clay which can not be scaled. There he seeks God Who hears his cry, lifts him out and sets his feet on a firm rock where he can stand and make progress in all his potential. Artists need to believe that God will lift them out of the impossible place. When they experience that they capsulize it in art forms like seeds which will be carried in the soil of their audience's hearts until the time when it helps them to salvation.
Let us bear the fruit and scatter the seed generously.