Since our property is now in escrow, we estimate our move will need to happen mid to late June. This is right during months when our income has traditionally slumped. The extra expenses of moving and paying deposits for the new place will be extra challenging
UNLESS . . .
a bunch of people collaborate with us in the"Move It, Baby!" campaign.
No heavy lifting required! Just pledge whatever you can for the months of May, June, July and August. Help pay for the truck, the gas, first & last month rent deposit, and miscellaneous stuff that will hit us in the face during that time.
Three Ways to Help in the Campaign:
- Click the house at right to make a one-time contribution, or write a check to Horizon Gate Productions and send it to P.O.Box 2186, Julian, CA 92036
- Make a monthly pledge for May through August via conventional check, or online
- Purchase $30 worth of Shaklee products and get FREE membership (a $19.95 value including a 15% discount on future purchases). We will send you a list of store products most people already buy from which you could switch.
Leave a comment here and tell us which way you want to participate. Help minimize the down time of this move and get us all hooked up again so we don't have to skip a beat in our mission. Then you can come to our house blessing party (to be announced) knowing a piece of you is in this big move.